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The Computer Set-Up is used for other jobs.

More specifically, the Computer Setup is used at the Underboss level (levels 60-99) for the "Embezzle Funds Through a Phony Company" and "Take Over an Identity Theft Ring" jobs. You will ultimately need 263 of these to completely master the Underboss level.

The computer setup is one of three loot items that are dropped from the "Rob an Electronics Store" job at the Enforcer level. The other two items are an Untraceable Cell Phone and the Concealable Camera.

You will have to do the "Rob an Electronics Store" about 400 times to receive all of the loot items you will need at higher levels in the game. This will cost you a total of about 8800 energy (22 x 400), so just get ready to camp out at the Enforcer level doing the "Rob an Electronics Store" job for a while.

You also get these a loot drops during Fights. They can be found as secret stashes published by other players (found by them for doing jobs) and as part of Bonus loot stashes found during fights.

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Q: What is computer set-up for on Mafia Wars?
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Where to you get the computer setup in Mafia Wars?

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do the job "rob the electronics store" at the enforcer job tier in new york.. the job will give you either of the 3 randomly: untraceable cell phone, computer setup, concealable camera.

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The computer setup, untraceable cell phone, and others are all used in the upper level jobs as an expendable item to help you complete a job. In particular the computer setup is used in the Underboss level in New York, to help with several jobs. In general you want a lot of them.

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The Rob an Electronics Store mission. This also gives you Concealable Camera and Computer Setup for later levels.

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You can add the Mafia Wars application under MySpace applications but you can't download the MySpace version to the desktop on your computer or anything like that.

How do you get a computer set up in Mafia Wars?

Do the rob the electronics store job

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A computer on safe mode with networking. Easy as pie

Where can you play Mafia Wars Atlantic City?

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