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Q: What is commonly used for an internet backbone?
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The major carriers of traffic on the Internet are known collectively as the Internet?

It is known as the Internet backbone.

Who provides internet backbone?

Gaint telecommunication companies provides internet backbone Internet backbone is a line through which all internet traffic of one country or many flows through.One of the companies i know provide internet backbone service in US is Google others that provide backbone service in US are AT&T,MCI,Sprint and CenturyLink.In 2010 most connected backbone was of Verzion

What are the most commonly used browser?

There are all different types of internet browsers that are commonly used. Some of the most commonly used internet browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and many others.

What is the most commonly used feature on the internet?

The most commonly used feature on the internet is the search engines. The most popular search engine is Google.

Main artery of the internet?


Which routing protocol is used on the Internet backbone?

Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)Sose21 Blaq RoseOSPF

What are the major carriers of network traffic?

It is collectively known as the Internet Backbone. Some examples are At&T, Sprint, and MCI.

Do all internet companies use satellites?

No they do not. Satellite internet is a type of internet but it's not used commonly.

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Which is the most commonly used internet protocol?


What company has permanent connection to the internet backbone?

Internet Service Provider ISP

What is a company that has a permanent connection to the internet backbone?

internet Service Provider ISP