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Q: What is an experiment about that imitates the way a penguin swims?
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What was the expiremental boat that imitated the way a penguin swims?


An Experimental boat that imitates the way a penguin swim?

If you are looking for this answer in reference to a vocabulary activity puzzle the answer for 8 down is problem. The statement refers to what is the situation called that is presented. discovered by the FORD children. proteus

What is an experimental boat that imitates the way a penguin swims?

A Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (BAUV) designed to mimic the swimming motion of a penguin is called a penguin robot. These robots are inspired by the streamlined body shape and unique wing-like flippers of penguins to improve underwater agility and maneuverability. They are used for various research purposes such as studying marine ecosystems and improving underwater vehicle performance.

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swims (SWIMS)

What are some good blond jokes you could tell some one?

* How do you kill a blonde? You put a scratch-and-sniff at the bottom of the pool. * There's a blonde, a brunet, and a redhead. There all on a island and the only way to get to the other side is to swim there. The brunet goes first, swims 50% of the way, and drowns. Then the redhead goes, she swims 75% of the way, then gets eaten by a shark. Then blonde goes, swims the whole way, gets tired, swims back, THEN swims 50% of the way, and then drowns.

How does a beluga whale find its way in the water?

Well it swims with its tale that weights of 698kg

How do seahorses travel?

He swims in his own way like most other marine creatures.

If Carol swims 14 laps a day for a week and Julia swims 21 laps a day for a week how many laps does Julia swim all together?

Julia swims (21 x 7) = 147 laps.The way the question is worded, Carol's existence is irrelevant.

Is there a way to beat the sensi on Club Penguin?

Yes there is a way to beat the Sensi on Club Penguin.

How do dolphins respond to stimuli?

it swims out of the way, swims to different elevations, communicates with others

Is there a way of being a snow ninja on club penguin?

yes there is a way of being a ninja on club penguin

What penguin on Club Penguin is a bad penguin?

There are many bad penguins in the virtual world of Club Penguin. There is no way you could name them all.....