Example sentence - We regularly check the weather reports to see when it will snow.
your question is not correctly check your spelling
Yes you can; example: Hopefully, my refund check will come before the rent is due.
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.
Example sentence with the word "advise":"I would advise you not to do that."
No, the word check is a noun, a verb, and an interjection. Example uses:Noun: The check is in the mail.Verb: I'll check the thermostat before we go.Interjection: Did you remember the extra diapers? Check!A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence; for example:The check is in the mail; it really is. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'check' in the second part of the sentence)
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!
"I looked already and it wasn't there!" Is an example sentence.
I can give you an example sentence. One example of the cat family is the lion.
use a example word indiffrent on a sentence
Example sentence - Her behavior was a commendable example for her peers.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!