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Q: What is an account of an event from a person who did not see or experience it?
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To see an event.

How do you see my account no 11064201623?

A person can see their bank account number 11064201623 by logging into their account online with a user name and password. They may also visit their local branch.

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Yes, you can see how many people are following a Twitter account. All you have to do is go to the person's profile and look at the "Followers" amount.

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The only way to find out is to go to the website of RBS and see if they allow you to open an account online. Many banks require people be there in person at a local branch and so your experience may vary.

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You can't, unless that person's account is public.

When my twitter account is protected is the person whom I follow but not following me back able to see my tweet to them?

No they won't see your tweet.

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There is no way to see a hidden Facebook profile. You will have to become friends with the person to gain access to the account.

Can you see your friends messages without hacking on facebook?

No, unless you can get access to the persons account, you cant see their messages, unless that person posts it.

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Live scores are usually involved with sports. To see a live score, a person must watch a live sporting event. That can be basketball, football, soccer, tennis, etc.

What if a person is accused but there is no witness?

It depends on the details. A witness is not strictly necessary in all cases. For example, someone doesn't have to see you embezzling, if it can be proven that the money disappeared from account A and showed up in account B (which is your personal account) and you were the only person who could have made that happen.

When can a person experience learned helplessness?

A person can experience learned helplessness when they learn to see things as they are - and not to imagine them to be even worse than they are. When they are fully aware of the situation they find themselves in and accept it, they are experiencing learned helplessness.

Can you get compensation for a broken leg?

That depends if another person/organization is at fault in relation to the event causing the fracture. See an attorney.