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Aplitude ModulationAn AM transmitter is a Amplitude Modulated transmitter where the amplitude of the Radio Frequency signal is modulated, usually used in the lower frequency bands where the frequency is to low for Frequency Modulation (FM), it was the first type of modulation used in radio communication FM was developed in the late 1950's and is not sensitive to static interference as AM AnswerAM is Amplitude Modulation that is the RF signals amplitude is modulated with the audio signal. this modulation is done because the audio signal being of low frequency cannot be transmitted to longer distance so the audio signal is amplitude modulated with RF signal and then transmitted into the air
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10y ago

AM means amplitude modulation and it is the type of transmssion used in medium and long wave broadcasting between 153 and 1612 kHz.

The transmitter could mean the whole transmitting station or specifically the piece of equipment that contains an amplifier to produce the required amount of radio-frequency power for the transmission.

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