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HTML files is one...

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Related questions

How WebPages are different from a website?

How WebPages are different from a website?

Webpages can contain links to other webpages called hyperlinks?


Is there a Relationship among websites webpages and web browsers?

Websites are groupings of webpages and files posted online at a domain name for other people to access. Webpages are the individual viewable pages of a website. A web browser is used to view webpages in a website and navigate to other webpages.

Why some webpages not opening in your broadband connection?

Some webpages require enough internet consumption. The speed of the connection is the reason webpages do not open.

How webpages are built HTML code and the purpose of and?

Webpages are built using the various tags predefined. The purpose of webpages is to make web interactive or for promotion.

Who invented webpages?

i did

Objects displayed on webpages that access other webpages or display other sections of the active page are?


Need of HTML?

The need of HTML is to create fancy webpages. With HTML, novice users can create webpages as well.

What do you make with HTML?


Do webpages have limited text?


How can you publish webpages by saving them to what in excel 2007?

Webpages usually end in one if these extensions: .php .html .htm .aspx

Is there any webpages for recycling?
