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stars dust and even from gas

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Q: What is a galaxy made up of?
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What is the Andromeda galaxy made up of?

The Andromeda galaxy is made up of stars, gas, and dust. It has a vast number of stars, with estimates ranging from hundreds of billions to over a trillion. The gas and dust in the galaxy play a crucial role in the formation of new stars.

What do you mean by galaxy of stars?

It means that a galaxy is made up of millions or billions of stars.

What is larger than our galaxy?

A galactic supercluster, such as the Virgo Supercluster which contains the Milky Way, is larger than our galaxy. It is a collection of multiple galaxies held together by gravity.

How many galaxies make up your galaxy today?

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is itself a galaxy, made up of approx. 200 billion stars. There are no other galaxies within our own.

Can you buy super Yoshi galaxy?

No, you just made that up.

Is a globular cluster a galaxy?

In our Milky Way galaxy, globular clusters tend to be at the "outlying fringes" or "halo" of the galaxy, and seem to be largely made up of very old stars.

How was a galaxy made from?

A galaxy is made from matter that was put together after the Big Bang, which was supposed to be caused by all the matter blowing up from a confined space a long time ago.

What is the system of your sun made up of and the eight planets orbiting around it?


Is the Milky Way made up of 45 galaxies?

The Milky Way is a Galaxy.

What is the part of our galaxy that is made up of the Sun and the eight planets?

The Solar System.

Is mince boiler a real word?

yeah. it was originally made up of galaxy radio