The main purpose of a domain name is to provide a recognizable names to mostly numerically addressed internet resources. This abstraction allows any resource (e.g., website) to be moved to a different physical location in the address topology of the network, globally or locally in an intranet, in effect changing the IP address.
A domain registrant is the person who owns the domain name or requires a domain name for his/her business. A domain registrar is the organization that helps you find the appropriate domain name for your business.Example:DomainIndia ( is the domain registrar that organization provides domain names registration and web hosting in India. Adolfina is the domain registrant who requires a domain name.
in a coordinate point, the domain is the "x" part in (x,y) say you have a point that is (5,7). the domain would be 5.
The DNS (Domain Name System).The DNS (Domain Name System).The DNS (Domain Name System).The DNS (Domain Name System).
What is the domain name for zebra?
When you sign up for your domain name you can choose to buy the domain hosting services. Which is only found at certain domain name providers.
Suriname Domain Name Registration, .SR Domain Registration, Suriname .SR Domain, Domain Name .SR, Register Surinamese Domain, Surinamese Domain Names
Domain name registration is the process that is used to acquire a domain name. Acquiring the domain name for a certain amount of time under particular conditions.
The domain of a jackrabbit is the Eukaeya domain
form_title=Domain Name Generator form_header=Having trouble thinking up a domain name? The Domain Name Generator can help. What kind of company do you have?=_ How many domain names do you need?=_ Do you have any specific attributes you are looking for in your new domain name?=_
Suriname Domain Name Registration, .SR Domain Registration, Suriname .SR Domain, Domain Name .SR, Register Surinamese Domain, Surinamese Domain Names
A domain name appraisal is an estimate about the potential sales price of a particular Internet domain name. A domain name appraisal is highly speculative.
It's pretty hard to explain, but put simply: Domain names (i.e. are hostnames that point to Internet Protocol addresses (i.e.