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maybe one of the look you always give her that she loves.just you being you doing something you angled pic of you. you and your abs...

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Q: What is a cute picture for a guy to send to his girlfriend?
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What do you do when a boy calls you cute but he has a girlfriend?

This is tough. If you don't like this guy then say, "I'm glad you think that but you really do have to remember the fact that you do have a girlfriend." If you are crushing on this guy say "Your cute too but you have a girlfriend." and walk away. =) HOPEFULLY THAT WILL WORK FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think if a guy draws a picture for you?

It's really cute.

What does it mean if you catch a guy staring at you every day but he has a girlfriend?

I'm thinking maybe he has feelings for you to or he thinks you are cute. It's okay to think another girl is cute when you have a girlfriend; it's natural.

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You just try being honest and tell him why you did send him a profile picture of yourself.

How do you ask a guy to a school dance creatively?

Send a text or rite a cute message

How do you get a gut to like you but he has a girlfriend?

u c to get a guy 2 like u and he haz a girlfriend u gotta look cute and pay attention to him and make him jealous.

If you think someone is cute are you crushing on them?

It depends on whether you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or not. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you know you can't love anyone more, then no, you aren't crushing on someone you think is cute. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend but you want this cute guy/girl more, then yes, you are crushing on them. You can't hide your crush from your girlfriend/boyfriend so you have to slowly break-up with them, by slowly starting to hang out with this cute person. If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend then yes, you are crushing on them. But don't ask them out or anything if you are crushing on someone else too.

I think a guy at school likes me?

when you get your school picture show the guy and ask don i look cute i did and he said maby it would be akward to say so just do what i did

You like this guy but he has a girlfriend?

just become great friends with him, and chances are they will break up and that's where you come into the picture! :)

Why would your girl send me a picture of her and a guy on the beach and shes kissing him on the neck?

she obviously wants to get rid of you

What does it mean when you like a guy and you talk quite a bit he calls you cute and will say text me i miss you when you just talked to him yesterday?

well it obviously means the guy thinks your cute... but not exactly the boyfriend girlfriend thing yet.... wait a bit and give it time

How'd you feel if you girlfriend told you that she saw this guy at the market who was so cute and that he looked a lot like you?

I'd feel good cause from looking at that guy, she thought of me, Or in your case, She thought of you.