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Q: What is a client-side program?
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What is A clientside control IN ASPNET?

Client side control will do validation and other kind of stuff in the client side.

How to do Clientside validation in struts?

check the following site.

Why does your facebook page keep scrolling back to the top?

Because of a page-refresh problem from facebooks side, they are forcing clientside crap on us To temporarily fix this, push ctrl+f5 to refresh the facebook-tab from facebook instead of refreshing it from your cashed browser memory (only works for a while until the bug hits again and you will have to reload again)

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AI Program (artificial intelligence) maybe?

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Symphonic poems, program symphonies, and program overtures are all types of program music.

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a program loading is when the program is generating its information

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The XP setup program is a 32 bit program, while the 2000 setup program is a 16 bit program.

Blank program?

_______ program