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He has one. the triple h that has the wweonmyspace picture is not the real one. the real one has this: It's true. somebody asked him that question at the press conference before armageddon 08

January 2009

HHH does not have myspace. If you go to Matt Hardy's or to Helms' myspace they have a list of WWE Supertars and Divas that have myspace. If they are not on that list then they do not have one. You can also check On line World of Wrestling. HHH has said numbers times that he doesn't have one!!! And at the press conference before Armageddon 08 he did not say he had one. I was there!!! YOu have a poser on your friends plain and simple. Yep, just checked the so called link and it is a fake. It says he is single, which he isn't. Says the only shows he watches is Raw and Smackdown, which isn't true, in fact he very seldom watches them as he is working when they are on. He is usually doing houseshows on Friday and Monday when they are on. Says the only books he reads are WWE books which is also false. All his picutres are studio pics or from his movie premier no personal photos of him or Steph. Also his blurb was taken straight word for word from his bio. Nothing peronal in it. Please people before posting false info do your research!

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He doesn't have one

yes Paul has a myspace

100% any others you can add me to find more

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