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The password is ................. . Hehe... I'm not tellin' you!!

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Q: What is Aunt Arctic's password on Club Penguin?
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Aunt arctics password in club penguin?

She does not have one and nobody will ever know even if they say they do.

Where is aunt arctic puffles on Club Penguin?

it is some where on club penguin in aunt arctics igloo

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Where are Aunt Arctics puffles in Club Penguin?

They are on the top of the highest mountain.

Where are the missing puffle of aunt arctics in club penguin?

they are at the tallest montin

What are secrets that are in the Club Penguin newspaper?

if you put your mouse over aunt arctics glasses they will turn shady!

In Club Penguin where is the object to help the guy with the broken telescope?

you go to aunt arctics iggy and give her the pictures

Can you come to aunt arctics house on club penguin?

We cannot visit Aunt Arctic's house in Club Penguin. Actualy we can in case of the missing puffle the agent mission so literly u hav to be an agent srry.

How many pairs of socks did g have it in club penguin 2009 in the misson that aunt arctics miss there two puffles?

he has 39

Where are aunt arctics puffles on club penguin?

They are on top of Mt. Tallest, but you have to look for them through the telescope first.

Aunt arctics clubpenguin password?

I dont know but you should NOT try. Most people have gotten ban to try to go on special club penguin accounts! (rh, aa, s etc) Hope that helped bye.