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A directive inserted into a computer program to prevent the automatic execution of certain error checking and reporting routines which are no longer necessary when the program has been perfected.

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Q: What is 'pragma' in wml?
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What is the population of Pragma Group?

The population of Pragma Group is 400.

When was Pragma Group created?

Pragma Group was created in 2003.

When was Pragma Systems created?

Pragma Systems was created in 1990.

What are the advantages of WML Script over WML?

[object Object]

I need One program using pragma?

Lucky you, keep it up and you may just find out what pragma is/means and then you can write your own program that contains a pragma.

How do you write in WML?

WML is not a new language. Rather, it is only XML that is "geared to work" with cell phones, PDAs, and other portable / wireless devices. To make it "gear to work" this way, the following changes should be made in WML documents - and nothing else.---- WML is placed in WML-type documents ("file.wml"), instead of XML-type documents ("file.xml") WML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to WML. The tag still must be declared, regardless if your writing WML or not!

What does WML refer to?

WML refers to Wireless Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used for mobiles.

What is the use of 'pragma' in C language?

The #pragma directive is a compiler specific instruction. There are many things you can tell the compiler. For instance, the #pragma pack n directive tells the compiler to override the /Zpn command line argument and to use a new default structure packing value. To see all of the possible #pragma directives, go to online help, and index by #pragma directives, C/C++. You probably only need to type in #pra and then click on C/C++ to get this far.

What is WAP and WML?

Define ADO

What is the abbreviation for WML in HTML?

WML is the short form of Wireless Markup Language. It is mainly used for Wireless devices like mobiles.

What is the difference between the xml and wml?

XML and WML both use the same markup / language. If you know XML, you know WML - and vice versa. However, XML is intentionally developed for computers, or other devices with larger screens. WML is developed for smaller-screened devices, such as PDA's and cell phones. Regardless, most devices, small or large screen'ed, now accept both formats of the XML language without complaining - but users may notice a difference in layout. On the technical side of things, WML standards branch off XML standards (which determine how things should be layed out on a screen or other display) - making the standards relatively different. WML is placed in WML-type documents ("file.wml"), as XML is placed in XML-type documents ("file.xml"). WML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an WML standard, as XML documents should have a Document Type Declaration pointing to an XML standard.

Significance of pragma directives in the program?

Pragma directive forces processor to use specific advantages for particular processors such as Hyper Threading, multi cores and so on.