Websites are groupings of webpages and files posted online at a domain name for other people to access. Webpages are the individual viewable pages of a website. A web browser is used to view webpages in a website and navigate to other webpages.
an engine like a search engine its called a web engine They called Search Engine and they are different types Google Yahoo Bing
HTML files.
Google Chrome can run multimedia files on it. But it is mainly built for running websites and webpages.
World Wide Web. The www prefix is the notation for a webpage on the internet (as opposed to looking for a term on a search engine or an intranet page or internet files which are not webpages).
If you want to locat pdf files in google, you can use the google search order: filetype:pdf + keywords to locate all pdf files related to the keywords you're looking for.
HTML files is one...
.htm and .html
Look at websites Play online games Upload files
Access websites/files from web servers/ftp servers
that is in the temporary files folder.
There are many websites on the internet where one could find instructions how to encrypt files depending on what encryption software the user has decided to choose. A few of these websites include NetAction, Tutonics and TrueCrypt.