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Some supervisor or answerer who is experienced in that topic would edit the answer to make it more appropriate or suitable to the question asked and also to ensure that it does not contain any copyright or unwanted materials in the answer section

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Q: What happens to the flagged answers on WikiAnswers?
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How many flagged questions are on WikiAnswers?

The number of flagged questions is constantly changing. As of July 21, 2017, there are approximately 129,991 flagged questions and answers on WikiAnswers.

What does the bot UnflaggingStrength do?

UnflaggingStrength is a WikiAnswers bot that is helping to manage flagged answers.

Why isn't flagged for inferior answer quality on the flagged list on Wikianswers?

You can't it is automatically flagged by Litterbot.

How do you get flagged on WikiAnswers?

You, yourself as a user don't exactly get flagged on WikiAnswers. You can have your account reported by a user, though, if they click on the "Report abuse" link on your profile, your message board or even your contributions. However, your answers can get flagged by other users or by the bots on this site if they detect gibberish, websites, profanity, long answer changed, etc. Other users can flag your answers (or questions) if they feel something is missing or needs changing.

What is the most productive way to improve WikiAnswers?

Improving WikiAnswersOpinions from our users:I would say categorizing and cleaning up flagged answers.

Why can't WikiAnswers ever give you an answer you want?

WikiAnswers only gives you the truth of the question. Whether not it was the answer you were looking for or not. WikiAnswers tries it's best to give the best answers, and a lot of times, those answers are good ones. But, there are some flagged answers, that may say something inappropriate, and that is not what we are about. We are a Q and A site, trying to give the best answers we have. And we will try to give you the answers you want.

Where is the list of flagged questions and answers?

Finding the FlagsClick on the Related link below to see the list of flagged questions and answers.

How do you get to know that any of your answers are flagged on WikiAnswers?

One way to check is to click on My watchlist under My pages on the left side of the screen. When bots or people such as supervisors flag and unflag your answers, it shows up here.

What does it mean if a question is automatically flagged?

It means that is has been flagged by a wikianswers bot because there is offensive or otherwise inappropriate material in the answer.

Where in the world is the flagged questions and answers page?

On the left navigation bar. It says Flagged Questions.

Which topics have answers that need editing?

Almost every answer that is flagged needs to be edited, and flagged questions are from every topic. Find a category and go to its homepage, find "flagged questions" in its blue side-bar, and find some answers you want to edit.

Why did someone remove my answer from WikiAnswers?

Answers are not deleted if it is flagged for spelling / grammar correction. However, answers that are offensive or inflammatory; does not answer the question; are debates or discussions (should be placed in that question's discussion pages instead); or nonsensical are removed. Even if the answer is completely irrelevant to the question, it will be removed.