Filehippo is a wesite that allows you to download free versions of many popular software for your computer. The types of software go from virus protection to business applications and drivers.
PC Freeware can be found on websites like Softonic, FreewareFiles, FreewareHome, FileHippo, MajorGeeks, ZDNet, Brothersoft, Download3K, Softpedia and PCWorld.
There are several programs available on Filehippo. There are browsers like Firefox, malware removing programs like Anti-Virus and CCleaner call and text messaging clients like Nimbuzz.
Check filehippo
Check if servlet.jar is found in your build path and also your server classpath. if you are using a weblogic server check if weblogic.jar is also found in both the places.
Zone Alarm is available as a free download directly from Zone Alarm as well as CNet's Download, FileHippo, PC World, Snapfiles, Zone Labs, and Softpedia.
What are the default groups that can be found in Server 2008
I am assuming to visited a website that either disappeared or had an FBI picture displayed. If you got a 404 error the server could not be found. Either the domain name expired, the server is having problems, or the site is gone. If you got an FBI picture, then the servers were probably seized.
Proxy ErrorThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.The proxy server could not handle the request Special:Wysiwyg.Reason: Error reading from remote server
The job description of a file server can simple be found online on sites such as 'Wikipedia', which explains the mechanics of a file server or 'FileServe'.
the word is that they are temporarily down to move their server to a new location
You have to download a Minecraft server application. These can be found at multiple locations, the simplist and easiest one is found on Minecraft's home page (the link can be found under "Sources and related links" below this answer). This gives you a basic server with basic commands. if you need help, go to Minecraft Wiki.