The following Domain Name extensions are not available for registration by the General
Yes there are lists of perfect registering suitable domain names for your business website/blog. There are thousands of tools available which can help you generate various domain names.
There are so many websites out there where you can buy domain names for your personal website. Examples: godaddy , sitewizard , my domain and register are good places to find a domain to buy.
You can find information on EU domain names online at the EurID website. Once on the page, you can find out if the domain name you want is available or not.
There is no list that covers the entirety of domain names in the United Kingdom. There are however numerous domain registrars which can check those that are available or unavailable.
There are many places you can find information on available domain names. Many websites offer this service, including GoDaddy, Sedo, DomainsBot, and Bust A Name. is great for finding what domain names are available, so it definitely works. It is helpful to go to whois to find these domains.
Some good sources for finding available domain names at a reasonable price could be one of the following online sites: Go Daddy, Domain Super Star and Wikihow.
That depends on what kinds of domain names you might use. The only way to see if the one you want is available, is to type it in the browser bar and see if a page comes up.
It is a global domain. The domain names are available worldwide. With web domains that are easy and fully secured, they are one of the leaders in the top categories worldwide accepted universally with low prices to boot.
The are several domain sites you could visit to learn more about this subject. You can look through the domain registrar and see what domain names are available.
The domain registry website allows customers to purchase a website with their own custom site names. The domain registry site tells one which names are and aren't available.