It is a contract between the "software, website or service" owner and "purchaser or user" of that service.
You can read more about it by googling: End-user license agreement and visit the Wikipedia page.
End user license agreement is terms and conditions, which when accepted by the user, form a license agreement between the software company and the user for the use of the software.
End user license agreement is terms and conditions, which when accepted by the user, form a license agreement between the software company and the user for the use of the software.
An agreement that you will not give out personal information to friends, teachers, strangers.
An agreement that you will not give out personal information to friends, teachers, strangers.
For comical purposes.
The 'end user license agreement' has to be accepted by you before Microsoft will allow you to use Windows, even though you have paid money to buy their Windows operating system disk! Other software producers provide programs with an 'end user license agreement' too.
You click it.
End User License Agreement
it is End user license agreement
propriety license
agreement agreement
End User License Agreement- agreement that the user of computer siftware accepts in order to use software. You may see this at the start of a software download as "terms of use".