.mil stands for military top-level domain name
The.com TLD (top-level domain name) stands for COMmercial. Domains in .com are typically registered by for-profit companies. The .mil TLD (top-level domain name) stands for MILitary. Domains in .mil are available only to the United States military and affiliated organizations. The .org TLD (top-level domain name) stands for ORGanization. Domains in .org have traditionally been registered by not-for-profit organizations like charities and industry groups. However, anyone may register a .org domain for any purpose.
Thsi is the TLD (top level domain) name of the military e.g. army etc
It is .de which stands for Deutchsland, which is the German word for Germany.
.NET is "Top level domain originally for network providers". It stands for network.
Its TLD - Top Level Domain.
The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting. The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting.
The acronym TLD stands for the words Top Level Domain. TLD's are at the highest level of the Domain Name System on the the internet. They are sometimes referred to mistakenly as Internet extensions.
.nl is the top level domain for Netherlands.
The three parts of a domain name are the host record (www, @(none) or *(other)), the SLD (second level domain) and the TLD (top level domain) or ccTLD (country code top level domain). For example wiki.answers.com:wiki = host nameanswers = SLD (second level domain).com = TLD (top level domain)
On the Internet, "com" is one of the top-level domain names that can be used when choosing a domain name. It generally describes the entity owning the domain name as a commercial organization. Along with the second-level domain name (for example: "whatis" in whatis.com), the top-level domain name is required in Web and e-mail addresses.The top-level domain names administered by ICANN and its delegate agencies are: com, edu, gov, int, mil, net, and org. In addition to these, domain name applicants within the United States may also be able to register a name under a U.S. top-level domain name based on geography. See RFC 1480 - The US Domain and visit the U.S. Domain Registry for registration procedures.