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Most .com domain names that are words have already been taken.

To have a short domain name, companies now need a domain name that is not a word. By leaving the e out of tumbler, flicker etc they get a domain name that has not already been reserved.

The alternative is to get domain names that are a combination of words but few web users are going to want to type in that many characters.

Also you can trademark words like tumblr, you might not be able to trademark tumbler.

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Is Tumblr a social networking site?

Tumblr is a microblogging website, meaning that users typically share small bits of media or information like sentences, pictures, or short videos. Tumblr is also generally considered to be a social networking site in the sense that it allows people with similar interests, backgrounds, or hobbies to connect and develop virtual communities. On Tumblr, users "follow" other users, receiving their microblog posts on their dashboard. One key difference between Tumblr and other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is that Tumblr places substantially less emphasis on real-life connections and encourages a more private form of social networking. While Facebook communities are based around "friends" who often know each other in real life or have some form of real life connection, Tumblr users often follow people who they have no other connections with other than a shared interest or other similarity discovered through Tumblr. Of course, some Tumblr users do use their real names and pictures and do interact with people they know in real life as on Facebook. The key difference, however, is in the design of the website - Facebook emphasizing transparency in knowing who you are friends with and Tumblr emphasizing levels of privacy and anonymity (as can be seen with anonymous asking and other features). Tumblr is a blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, videos, links, quotes and audio to their tumblelog , a short-form blog.

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What are good names for Tumblr urls?

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