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A carotid is a symbol use to indicate where something is to be inserted into text. If a persson is texting and made a .iztake in what they typed they would use tytge cqaret symbol and then the correction to indiccate that it should have been that instead.

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Q: What does the carot symbol mean in emoticons?
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Can emoticons break your laptop?

No, a laptop is hardware and the emoticons are software. Software cannot damage hardware. The smileys and emoticons found in emails and forums are harmless too. Every program, also the bad ones that damage software have a clickable symbol. If that symbol happens to be a smiley or emoticon then clicking on it might damage your software. Don't ever click on smiles, there is no reason to!

What is a carot?

a carot is the amount of gold in any type of jewllery

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I wish i knew!

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625 carot gold and made in USA

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Cake symbol on Gmail is an emoticon. It is an emoticon to show the sign of a cake. Emoticons are graphical GIF's to make the mails interactive.

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How do you make a Snowflake symbol on Facebook?

you can use this website :) just scroll down... youll find

Triangle signs on Club Penguin?

there are no triangle shaped emoticons if that is what you mean

Are there baseball team emoticons?

There are probably emoticons out there for baseball. Many websites provide different emoticons, I would suggest Googling emoticons.

What does a rectangular symbol in text message symbolize?

The sender is an iphone user and sending an emoticon to a non-iphone. The emoji iphone emoticons are not recognized and results in the [] symbol on the receivers phone.

What does 18kSP mean on a wedding ring?

i thnk it meens 18 carot gold i dont knw the SP sorry