a TBH means To Be Honest .. And a rate means the number they think you are
"Tbh" in text talk means "to be honest".
To be honest!:)
It means to be honest
to be honest
Lms= like my status Tbh= to be honest. A TBH is an honest message sent from one person to another, telling them what they really think. Usually a TBH is a compliment, but sometimes can be used to send constructive criticism or secrets! A fun way of sending a tbh is with the tbh app, check it out itunes.com/apps/tbh
To Be Honest
Your crush just meant that they don't get to speak to you anymore and that they miss being your friend. It was a good reply.
I think you mean TBH and anyways it means to be honest
TBH isn't a game, TBH means To Be Honest.
TBH = To Be Honest :)
tbh means - to be honest