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Does vip come with a new name on imvu?

When You First Make An Imvu, Its Says That Get 5,000 For 1$. So That Mean It Does NOT Come With The Vip

What does promo mean on imvu?

Promo on IMVU means promotion. You can get Promotion credits by gifting people and visiting people, you can also get Promotion credits by getting Promoted.

What was imvu name before it was called imvu?

It was always imvu

Is imvu for over3?

imvu is for 18+

How banned from imvu?

Break the IMVU TOS and IMVU staff will ban you.

What does run on startup mean on imvu?

Like lets say you click the check that says that. That means everytime you restart your computer IMVU will pop up with the login and junk:D

What does it mean when it saids Assigned on your IMVU ticket Status?

it means somebody is working on it.

What does it mean when people ask you for your status on IMVU?

its IMWU it means (i m with u)

Is imvu considered Vilent?

If you mean violent, then no. Sometimes you may come across someone saying/doing violent things, but you never see say, someones head get lobbed off. Just Google IMVU in images, and you'll get an idea what IMVU is like.

How do you be a gangster on imvu?

You can not be a gangster on imvu, Imvu has rules just like any other site. no bad words, no sex, no drama, all that or you will be banned from imvu i myself have a imvu account.

Where do you enter cheats for imvu?

There are no cheats for IMVU.

Is imvu a dating website?

To IMVU is a dating website and I can not join it and... In my opinion, that is why IMVU is a dating website