No domain ends with .sch
.gov - government .com - commercial .org - organisation .net - network provider .sch - school i am not sure about the others.
Org is not a suffix. The org stands for organization.
sch mean school but some times they call it skl
Sch in the German language is simply a sound. It has the same sound as sh in the English language.
Most likely, 'schedule'.
Schedule 4, Controlled Substance
sch 1 cs = schedule 1 controlled substance. (Illegal drugs). So "sell sch 1 cs" means "sell schedule 1 controlled substance" or so I'm thinking.
its an organisation
COM: Company ORG: Organization NET: Network GOV:Government
.sch means school
Schedule - gallons/foot SCH 5s - 22.655 SCH 10s - 22.532 SCH 10 - 22.532 SCH 20 - 22.055 SCH 30 - 21.351 SCH 40s - 22.055 SCH 40 - 20.887 SCH 60 - 19.862 SCH 80s - 21.583 SCH 80 - 18.972 SCH 100 - 17.887 SCH 120 - 16.939 SCH 140 - 16.118 SCH 160 - 15.220