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MyWi always makes Hotspot

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Q: What does mywi do on the iphone. Does it allow you to have internet whenever you wish. Or does it only work as a wifi hotspot?
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Is there internet in the iPod Touch?

the ipod have wifi capabilities that allow you to connect to internet as long as there is a hotspot or some public network is available

Do you have to have the Internet on your iPhone?

Yes. AT&T offers services that allow the iPhone to access the Internet wherever there is a cellular data signal. Or, the iPhone can connect to a WiFi network to access the Internet without the need of an AT&T plan.

Iphone can call without internet access?

Yes it can but, the iphone needs the internet package otherwise your bill will be very high. The iphone is always connected to the internet , and to my knowledge ATT did not allow a customer to have the iphone with out the internet package already in place. Although there has been cases of customers canceling their internet packages and received a bill for a couple of thousands of dollars

Which mobile cell phones will allow me to talk and surf the internet at the same time?

The HTC Thunderbolt will allow you to talk and surf the internet at the same time. Also the Iphone includes features that will allow you to surf the internet mid-call.

What does wifi hot spots mean?

Wifi hotspot is a term used when a cellular phone has the feature built into the phone. Hotspots allow a person the ability to access the internet through their phone using the hotspot feature for the connection. One may turn the hotspot on via the cellphone and then go to the computer and access the wifi by signing in under the hotspot which was just set up by the cellular phone.

Is bt Internet similar as wifi Internet?

Yes. Bt home hub is a wireless device you place at home to allow you to connect virtually anywhere. Just like you would do going to a wireless hotspot at a cafe or bookstore.

My iphone 3GS will not allow me access to the internet what do i have to do to get connected?

Your iPhone probably can't access the internet because you might be in a non-wireless place or you don't know the password to it or your wireless has something wrong in its system. Hope this helped

Can you have an iPhone with no Internet?

Yes, the ability to connect to the internet is part of your package or deal with the mobile services provider, you can get pay as you go deals that only allow texts and phone calls if that is all you want.

Wireless Internet Hotspots?

form_title= Wireless Internet Hotspots form_header= Allow your employees to do work from anywhere with a hotspot connection. How often do you or your employees travel?*= {Once a week, Once a month, Once every 3 months, Less frequently,} How much bandwidth do you require?*= _ [50 How many users will need to be connected to the hotspot?* {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, More than 50}

How do you put internet on a dsi?

Hiya, to put internet online you need this: 1. Do you have DSL/ a hotspot? If not, don't read on. 2. Goto system settings, and internet, then set up your settings. You also need WFC so that way it can work. It shuld be on your hotspot that your using. 3. If it's still not working then goto Google, and type in Home or something, something to get your firewall or allow wireless transmission. 4. Then, goto the DSi shop, if you haven't, download it, and play with it. If this doesn't work, then something must be wrong with your Hotspot, or DSi, because this is the ONLY way to get it. ~Didn't-even-register-just-randomly-answers-this

Can you get Internet on iPhone without data plan?

It all depends on what your looking for. If you looking for Edge, 3g then no its impossible. But it should allow you to use Wi-fi

What websites allow you to download the program Hotspot Shield?

One may download the Hotspot Shield program from a great many websites that offer the opportunity to download software. The developer of this software also offers Hotspot Shield for download on the website.