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It is a kind of type which is slanted to the right. Most fonts have an italic form, including this one. The italic form looks like this. The name comes from the fact that type with that look was favoured in Italy.

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Scottie Conn

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2y ago
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13y ago

It is a kind of type which is slanted to the right. Most fonts have an italic form, including this one. The italic form looks like this. The name comes from the fact that type with that look was favoured in Italy.

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Q: What does italic mean?
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What Does ilteic Mean?

There is no such word, do you mean the word italic?

Why do you use Italic and Bold print?

italic is this I and this is for had writing bold printing is for words that mean import thing

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If you mean italic handwriting, yes.

How do you make your letters slanted when you type?

You mean Italic? That won't work unless the program or site you're using to type allows Italic, in which case it would usually be a slanted I.

What does italic mean in microscoft word?

The sentence I'm writing is in ITALIC.This sentence isn't."italic" or "cursive" means a type of handwriting or a type of font where the letters slant to the right.The font attributes icons in Microsoft Word try to represent this font attribute graphically, with the letter B in bold for bold, I in italic for italic, etc., or in the font styles dialog box, the style names for these attributes will be shown with the attributes applied to them, like "Bold" and "Italic".

What is the answer for the italic text code for the yellow star?

[i] Italic Text [/i]

When was Italic League created?

Italic League was created in 1454.

What do you do to a song?

I think you mean if you underline it, put it in quotations or put it in italic. I'm sorry but I don't know.

Can you chop wood with an italic?

I don't think you looked up the definition of that word very well. Italic is a type of font for printing.This sentence is in italic print.

Which CSS property can be used to configure italic text?

Use font-style: italic

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Is probability a italic?

No, it is not.