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if your ring finger is slightly larger than your index finger than it is sientificaly proven that you will gain weight eaisly and if your index finger is slightly bigger than your ring finger than it will be harder for you to gain weight If I were you, I would ignore this person 18% body fat pretty much proves that wrong.

Actually you are supposed to take only your left hand into consideration and yes this is true for me bc im at least 20 pounds over weight and my ring finger is longer half ten.

Ok whoever commented on this last, your ring finger is longer? Well then you have just proved the first point!!

Well....the real meaning is simple. People can have sex changes or have boobs or wear wigs but the answer is as follows. Before you take that pretty little lady to your room you better check her hand. If her ring finger is longer than her index finger...she is a he and you will have a suprise once the lights go out. It doesnt matter what hand...if the index finger is longer than the ring finger you have a winner! Check it out...on any lady or man. Happy hunting!


okay that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard... I am 100% woman, and my ring finger is longer than my index finger.

That's definitely something to think about, the whys of the world. But, honestly it doesn't matter and as far as anyone knows it won't affect your life in any way...

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13y ago

The relationship between the sizes of body parts is promoted in folk lore as a way of guessing what the size of "hidden bits" are compared to the visible bits. 'Fraid not.

As an experiment try these old grannies' knitting rules:

  • Twice round your thumb is onece around your wrist
  • Twice round your wrist is equal to once round your neck.
  • Twice round your neck is once round your waist.
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14y ago

I think it doesn't mean anything. Don't bother yourself.

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13y ago

it doesnt mean anything. you were just born that way. lots of people are.

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13y ago

nothing, you were born that way, it's just longer... it's like asking what does it mean if one ear is bigger than the other.

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12y ago

It depends on if you are a boy or a girl. People say, and might be true, that the length of an index finger compared to the other fingers is from your gender.

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Compare male index finger to ring finger length to female fingers?

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How do you tell if She is really a He?

You can easily tell by the hand if their index finger is longer then their ring finger it's a she. If their ring finger is longer then their index finger it's a he. very simple very easy.

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What does it mean when your Ring finger is longer on your left hand and your Index finger is longer on the right hand?

no it doesn't mean a thing. unless Ur left handed.

Man's ring finger longer than index finger?

This is very common.

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There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that finger length, particularly the ratio between the ring and index fingers, is correlated with penis size. Penis size is determined by a variety of genetic and environmental factors.

Is a woman's ring finger longer then her index?

i think there both the same size :D I think the ring finger is longer, at least mine, my mom's and my sister's ring fingers are.

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is the index finger lateral to the ring fingers

What does it means when my ring finger is longer than my index finger?

It means you are a MAN(male)! Period!100%

What does it mean if your index finger is shorter than your ring finger and your a female?

It means absolutely nothing.

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It means nothing