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I'm not sure what kind of turtles you have. I am assuming that they are aquatic and probably the common Red Eared Slider. The males of the species have especially long front claws (nails) that they flicker at a female. If you have two that are doing it to each other, I suspect that you have two amorous males. The females have much shorter nails and shorter, wider tails.

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Q: What does it mean when two turtles look at each other and they flicker there feet at the other one?
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Why does two turtles lay on top of each other and stretch out their feet?

Its like asking why cheerleaders stack on top of each other. They do it for fun and entertainment. So do the turtles. Then again it depends on the number,, two or three turtles could mean something else. Just look into it if they are your turtles stacking on top of each other. Hope this helps,, xx

Do some land turtles have webbed feet?

Most turtles including land turtles have webbed feet. Though there are few turtles who do not such as the pig nosed turtle.

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Why do turtles have webbed feet?

Turtles have webbed feet due to evolution. Most turtles originated in the water and so on the coast or in a swampy area it is very muddy. To protect parts of their feet it became webbed much like that of a frogs feet

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How do you tell the difference between terrestrial turtles and aquatic turtles?

Terrestrial turtles have stumpy legs and claws adapted for walking on land, while aquatic turtles have webbed feet for swimming. Additionally, aquatic turtles have more streamlined shells to help them move through water, while terrestrial turtles often have more domed shells for protection on land. Lastly, aquatic turtles tend to have more vibrant colors and patterns for camouflage in the water, whereas terrestrial turtles may have more muted colors.

How long can the largest turtles get?

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Can a turtle be four feet?

Yes. All normal turtles have four feet.

Do turtles use their webbed feet to swim?
