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It means they want a Menthos breath mint.

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Q: What does it mean when someone says they accidentally an entire coke bottle?
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You accidentally swallowed an entire coke bottle what do you do?

You're doing it wrong.

How many times do the world democracacy in the constitution?

Because they accidentally a whole coke bottle

What does it mean when you have wet panties and shorts?

It means you accidentally that whole bottle of coke. Be more careful next time.

You just accidentally a bottle of coke is it bad?

I hope you accidentally the whole thing and not just part of it. Or, if you have accidently part of it, you must do a complex situation to either undo it, or you do a barrel roll. Then, from there you must eat many cheeseburgers. It works! I accidently a Coke bottle once, and it was horrible, but when I learned the solution, I fixed it! :)

Does coke have more fizz in a bottle or a can?

In a bottle because the coke in the bottle,the gas carbon dioxide to make it fizz.

Where was the coke bottle made?

The coke bottle was made in china but to this very day they use them in all of the coke factories around the world

How did sammo hung get scar on lip?

Someone shoved a broken Coke bottle in his face during a street fight.

What size PVC pipe gose on a 2L coke bottle?

3/4 will fit inside of the coke bottle perfectly

Why does Mentos react with regular coke?

it makes it shoot out the bottle, the coke.

How do you get points for your coke rewardscom?

Any red cap bottle of coke, or special cases of coke look at any drinks that there caps say "enter code@ (has a bottle on there) my coke rewards .com" that is going to get you pionts!

What is a coke bottle made from?


What inside cola bottle?
