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Each image you see on the television screen is transmitted in the form of "lines." Some 3D TVs, like Samsung ones, for example, use 1080 lines or "p" for each eye. They send images to the glasses by flickering. However this is done very rapidly and can't be noticed unless the battery runs low on them. If you keep watching the flickering image, you may get headaches or experience dizziness. Flicker free 3D TVs like LG's offer high-quality images without the worry of headaches!

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Q: What does flicker free mean and which 3D TV has it?
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What does flicker free mean?

Flicker free means that an image is free of flicker. A well set up 3D television should be free of any noticeable flicker. Sometimes a flicker can be noticed when batteries in the glasses are discharged. Charging them usually fixes the problem right away. Note that LG promote their passive 3D televisions as being flicker free. Although they use passive glasses, they also deliver just 50% resolution compared to active 3D televisions. This is the compromise for having glasses that don't have batteries.

Do we have 100 percent flicker free 3D TV Last time I happen to landed up in electronic store and there I heard people talking about flicker Free 3D TV.?

Passive 3D televisions are considered to be flicker free but at the expense of resolution. Active glasses have been criticized for flicker but as the technology is developed, the flicker is likely to become less of a problem. The ultimate test is your own experience of them. If you don't notice the flicker on active 3D televisions, you don't need to worry about the flicker problem at all.

Who makes flicker free 3D TVs Are Samsung 3D TVs flicker free?

Any 3D television bought today should be flicker free including Samsung. The best way to find out is to experience a range of brands and models. Believe your eyes rather than the LG claim that all other 3D televisions have flicker. Also believe your eyes when you see that the effective resolution of LG 3D is only half that of their competitors.

How can you fix the flickers in your 3D glasses?

Flicker is a common problem in active 3D TVs but they can become more serious if the 3D glasses are low on battery. Check the battery on your 3D glasses. You can't completely fix the flicker problem on active 3D TVs. Passive 3D TVs are supposed to be better with flickers. LG 3D TV is certified flicker free and gets almost no flicker at all.

Which TVs are certified flicker free 3D?

The only TV that I am aware of that is "Certified" flicker free is LG's Cinema 3D TV. Their LW series models are certified flicker free 3D by INTERTEK. The test has been performed to prove a technical feature that has never been in doubt and is a marketing tool for LG. The reason LG televisions are flicker free is because they use passive 3D technology which also reduces resolution to a mere 450 lines, in fact, less than the 576 lines of standard definition. Active 3D televisions are also free of flicker if they are operating properly with glasses set up for use with the television.

What flicker free 3D TVs are out there can you recommend one?

Most 3D televisions are flicker free. Active 3D can sometimes show some flickering but if they are properly set up, the flicker is eliminated or not visible. When buying, make sure you experience as many models as you can to help you decide which is the most comfortable and most realistic.

Is 3d TV has flicker?

Well friend, not all 3D tv has flicker problem. only the 3d tv which is using old 3D technology(SG).

Yesterday I experienced 3D games on my friends 3D TV but I felt headache after passing an hour due to the flicker. please anyone tell me which 3DTV does not cause flicker in front of our eyes?

Most 3D televisions are free of flicker if they are set up correctly. A few minutes with the manual as the television is being installed is well worthwhile.

Does Sony FPR 3D TV suffer from Flicker Image?

Since sony doesn't have FPR 3D tv so how it will have flicker image

Are there any 3d led tvs that have both the flicker free 3d and cross talk free feature?

Flicker free and crosstalk free are not features. Most 3D televisions on sale today are expected to be free of flicker and crosstalk. While early models sometimes showed these effects, they have largely been overcome now. Before buying, make sure you see a range of models and confirm it for yourself. Be aware that LG marketing use scare tactics to steer people away from other makes with claims of flicker and crosstalk. Believe your own eyes before you believe manufacturers' hype.

Which 3D TV is certified flicker free?

Passive 3D televisions are claimed as flicker free. They do this by using alternate lines on the screen for the left and right eye. The effective resolution is therefore cut down to 540 lines instead of 1080 lines. Both active and passive types have their drawbacks and advantages. It is important to look at both before committing to buy a 3D television.

Which one of Samsung or LG is better when you buy a 3D TV from either of them?

LG Cinema 3D got #1 in a consumer research. Personally, I also think LG Cinema 3D is better than Samsung's any other 3D TVs. Samsung's 3D TVs are active TVs and they use shutter system while LG Cinema 3D is a passive tv withbetter FPS technology. Basically you never have to worry about flickering images and crosstalk with a passive 2D TV. Not only is LG Cinema 3D a flicker free and crosstalk free TV, it also has lightweight and battery free 3D glasses. These 3D glasses are very affordable compared to Samsung's. If you're gonna buy a 3D TV, you might as well buy the one that's flicker free and crosstalk free.