It is an expression that means exactly - as in smack dab in the middle
IGN stands for ignition. DAB I do not know.
dab dab dab
Maybe they mean DOB which is Date of Birth.
apply in a patting motion, extra small portion
if you mean a dad then yes she does but her dad id in the military
just a guess, but decibels (loudness)?
A little dab will do you. Dab some on me! A dab and a promise will do the trick! My favorite painting technique to give texture is the ol' "stab and dab" method.
Some words that end with "dab" include: dab, kebab, and stab.
Yes They Can Dab
To dab something, one is touching something lightly. For instance, if someone dabs a paint brush against a canvas, they are touching the brush lightly against the canvas.