To compose a text message means to write it. Just like composing music... you write music if you are composing it.
"Write". Basically when you press it you will go to a window which will allow you to compose or write and email.
Creating a new email
Yes, you can send an email you have composed as long as there is a recipient email address provided.
Press Compose at the top left!
Use Notes
The only way is to use someone else's email address
There are many fine companies available that can help you compose an email newsletter. You would probably want to first pick out an email newsletter template that fits your business and then go with the other features that you would want to help make your email newsletter attract customer attention.
Sign in your email, click on 'Compose Message', then fill in the 'To' box to the email address that you want to send the message to. Fill in your Subject and CC if needed for you. Write your email at the big blank box below, and adjust your Attachment, Emotions and Format if you need to. Then click send. Hope my information is helpful!
Compose is to write
add it as an atachment Yes compose an email and add the music file as an attachment and send it.
You have to compose the email to send. The sender's name has to be put in. The subject of the mail is optional if you want.
You can't forward texts to email but you can copy the text, go into the email app, compose a new email to yourself, paste it, and hit send.