BD in some educational systems stands for Bachelors Degree.
The initials BD stand for:Bachelor of Divinity.Battledress.Biographical dictionary.Bipolar disorder.Bowen's disease.Building design.Blu-ray Disc.
BD is in reference to administration of drugs and it stands for twice a day, or "bi-daily".
It stands for Bandes Dessinees which means comic books
BDL stands for bad luck luser!
Really bad bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd i dont know bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd bd
what does iut stand for
I think you meant DD points. Those are for diving. They stand for Degree of Difficulty.
i myself how out
In-Text Question
Better Business Bureau
The D stands for Doughnuts (or Donuts). The full solution is: 13 Doughnuts in a Baker's Dozen.