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Generally a very small hole to allow a limited amount of gas or liquid to pass.

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Q: What does an orifice look like?
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What is meant by the phrase Orifice Plate?

The phrase Orifice Plate is actually a device that measures either volume or mass flow rate. An Orifice Plate is a thin plate like device that has a hole in the middle.

What does a hot water Orifice insert look like?

This depends if it is a high or semi pressure system, as well as if it might be a gravity fed or an "on demand" type water heater.

Is coefficient of discharge constant?

No coefficient of discharge is not constant. It is a function of many parameters like :The ratio of the length of the orifice to diameter of orificeReynolds numberflow condition-whether it is increasing or decreasingPressure at the exit of the orifice (back pressure)Orifice entry condition- like smooth entry, sharp edged entry etc.

What is the plural of orifice?

Orifices is the plural of orifice

For what purpose would one use an orifice meter?

The orifice meter is used with the orifice flow rate meter and measures things like the flow rate of natural gas. It can measure other things and companies use it for different things also. Some companies give lessons or classes in using the orifice meter.

What is the meaning of orifice?

An orifice is an opening, cavity, or hole.

Vaginal orifice what is it?

The vaginal orifice is the opening of the vagina

What is vaginal orifice?

The vaginal orifice is the opening of the vagina

How do you spell orifice?

That is the cirrect spelling of orifice (a hole or opening).

Black vulture how male and female are different?

The female of the species has an orifice at the section of the back that connects to the tail feathers. If you pull the feathers aside with a fingertip you can see the actual vagina like orifice.

Where do you locate the orifice tube on a 1991 Hyundai Excel?

The orifice tube comes after the compressor for the AC and before the pipe goes into the dash. Look for a screw-apart junction in the metal AC line. Look for crimping on the pipe that is right next to that junction. That crimping keeps the orifice tube from sliding down the pipe. The orifice tube is about the size of a cigarette and acts like a filter and a spray opening to atomize the freon. You may be able to clean the old one, but a new one is pretty cheap. Make sure you get the right one, take the old one with you. Everyone will tell you that you have to change the dryer too, and need to pull a vacuum on the system. Those are good ideas but it will work okay just cleaning the orifice tube if it is clogged. One can of freon should get the compressor going. Get the stuff with the stop leak and oil.

Where is the orifice filter located on a 1998 Chevy Cavalier?

I have a 1997 Chevy Cavalier 2.2 L and for me the orifice filter for AC is located down to the left of the radiator on the front of the car. If you look where your high pressure valve is just below that and to the left a little you will see two aluminum pipes (one coming from the top one from the bottom) and where they meet is where the orifice filter is housed, it looks sort of like a small aluminum rectangle. Just take the nuts off the housing for it and there you have it.