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A round..... swirly.... thing?

It is a large, central ball, with a round ring circling it, usually with distinct arms. Do Google image search. They are hard to do just with words.

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10y ago

Yes, all elliptical galaxies are egg-shaped. They are all featureless.

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How did the eliptical galaxy get its name?

Their shape is an elipse

An eliptical is what type of shape?

An eliptical refers to a galaxy. Their shapes are different depending on their size. They can be circular, spherical, long, cigar shaped, fat, skinny and narrow. Elipticals can also have a large array of sizes.

What do an irregular galaxy look like?

it will look like something untidy

What did the galaxy look like when the moon was formed?

Much like it does now.

What is the meaning of the spiral galaxy?

It means the galaxy has the shape of a spiral. To see what this looks like, search Google Images ( for examples.

What is a galaxy shaped like a wheel and has arms look like?

A spiral, I think.


An irregular galaxy looks sort of like clouds in the sky. A large part of an irregular galaxy is made of clouds of dust and fine rock. The Milky Way galaxy looks like a pinwheel, and some galaxies look like near-perfect discs.

The stars you see at night are members of what?

Our Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. you may see others that look like stars but are actually galaxy's (M52).

What would Ursa Major look like from the far side of the galaxy?

ursa major would look like an ocean

What does the belt of asteroids look like?

Well, they look like a big belt of asteroids circling around planets or galaxy.

Where can I find a Weslo Eliptical trainer online?

You can find a Weslo Eliptical trainer online at the following sites take a look at them , and at this site

Why does the Milky Way galaxy NOT look like a spiral when viewed from Earth?

It does not look like a spiral because we are inside the disk that forms the spiral arms. To see the spiral, you have to be outside the galaxy, viewing the disk from above or below.