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It depends on your phone,the cell site,the switching station, the cell site of the receiver and the receivers phone

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Q: What does a mobile phone connection depend on?
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What mobile phone connection companies are working in Pakistan?

This is the list of operational Mobile phone connection companies in Pakistan:UfoneTelenorMobilinkInstafoneWaridZong

Where can you find a cheap GPS?

If you have a mobile phone which is Sony ericcson or a Nokia with GPRS enabled,you can use the phone as a GPS unit by downloading the software.It will use the GPRS connection for accessing the Map onto the phone for that you to have an internet connection on your mobile phone.

Is a psp go a phone?

No it is not a phone and uses the Mobile network connectivity (3G) for internet connection

How do you a open a gmail account in the mobile phone?

actually if your phone support the connection in the internet using wireless-fidelity, or what we called GPRS to support the internet connection of your mobile, if your phone have it. You can open it immediately, and if they have your phone of application of Google or gmail you can "sign In" or "sign Up" but if they don't have use your OPERA MINI or your mobile browser to open the GOOGLE.

When was mobile connection invented?

The mobile phone was never born it was made by such companies as samsung,sony ericson,apple,blackberry etc. If you want the date of the first mobile phone then you would have to look on wikipedia.

How do you hide mobile Number in Pakistan?

This will depend on the phone model and your phone carrier. You can call them to find out how to hide your number.

Can you access internet on mobile through data card?

the first connect your mobile through data cable on computer and make a connection the name was the connection is "My Mobile" and the user name is your phone number with country code the passwords are your sim name and must have net connection on your computer .Then go to mobile and create new asses point and the flowing option was you put in this connection: A.p.n=My mobile phone ip address is your computer ip adressfor example save it and enjoy

Where can I find the best mobile phone upgrades?

Mobile phone upgrade depend on what you are looking for in a phone and what kind of services you are needing. Around here, ATT is a great place to get mobile phones.

How do you download caller ringtune for mobile?

It depends on the make and model of the mobile phone, and may also depend on your wireless company.

Where can one find their local mobile phone store?

That would depend entire on the mobile phone dealer you were looking to purchase through. You can however usually find a mobile phone representative at your local Walmart, Target, or Sears retail store.

Is there any Disadvantage in connecting mobile phone to computer for browsing internet?

Yes, a mobile connection is not very fast and if you have to pay for your mobile internet data usage, it will cost you allot more than a fixed line internet connection.

What is the best brand of mobile phone connection in India?

Tata docomo. Because this is very benifit.