RGB refer to the colors of the phosphors in a CRT display or the LCD crystals on a LCD monitor etc. Red, Green, Blue
With different amounts of these colors you define all the colors you can display on a monitor.
Each pixel (dot on the screen) has an RGB value. Which is translated into voltages or similar for determining what the screen should display there,
RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue.
Red Green Blue - these are used in photo editing and printing programs
The equivalent RGB value is (177,0,33)
In Photoshop you can not convert RGB to Dulux.
RGB Entertainment was created in 2000.
What are the RGB colours for BP logo
Rgb: r245/g130/b31
Fingernail colors are not expressed in RGB. Each color can be expressed in RGB, but RGB is used to define a color in computing, while paint uses other standards.
RGB - album - was created on 2002-04-24.
The RGB coordinates of yellow is:R=255G=255B=0
TPX 15-1611 = rgb(215,162,164) TPX 15-1614 = rgb(208,149,158) TPX 18-5621 = rgb(57,114,98) TPX 18-5622 = rgb(80,129,109)
There are about 16.6 million colors in the RGB wheel.