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PPP stands for point to point protocol. It's usually used in connection to modems; it allows the computer to hook up a network without being connected.

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the answer is that destiney is awesome. :ppp the answer is that destiney is awesome. :ppp

What is the difference between PPP and HDLC?

Differences between HDLC and PPP are(1) HDLC is cisco proprietary while PPP is an open standard.(2) HDLC does not provide authentication while PPP provides authentication like PAP and CHAP.(3) HDLC does not support compression while PPP support compression.(4) HDLC supports synchronous networks only while PPP supports both synchronous and asynchronous networks.

What is the function of multilink ppp?

The function of multi-link PPP is that it allows an enterprise to connect to multiple ISPs.

Who is the prisident of Pakistan?

GovernmentFederal Parliamentary republic - FounderMuhammad Ali Jinnah - PresidentAsif Zardari (PPP) - Prime MinisterYousaf Gillani (PPP) - Chief JusticeIftikhar Chaudhry - Chair of SenateFarooq Naek (PPP)

What is PPP in Linux?

PPP is point to point protocol. It does single channel network links, usually over a long distance, or a VPN. The program that sets up and manages PPP connections is pppd.

Where can One find information on PPP Health Insurance?

You can find information on PPP Health Insurance also known as Preferred Property Program, on many company websites that sell this type of insurance. These companies include AXA PPP Healthcare, AXA PPP International, and Protector Plan.

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What is GNI PPP?

GNI PPP is gross national income converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates.

What is the market cap for Primero Mining Corp PPP?

As of July 2014, the market cap for Primero Mining Corp (PPP) is $1,191,141,104.40.