It means "laughing my ass off."
NTH stands for nothing in internet slang.
Ayo translates into "Eh, yo!"
LMT means "Let Me Think".Related Link:Dictionary of text and internet shorthand termsInternet and texting slang
the text/slang word 'gn' means good night.
Lmbo means Laugh My butt off. They do that instead if LMAO which means Laugh my as* off. Because they dont wanna swear.
Bi is a slang term in texting meaning "good bye". This is similar to saying "wat" instead of "What". by using less letters, one can save a few seconds in texting.
In Internet slang, it can stand for "In My Arrogant Opinion". Unless you mean "LMAO" Which would be "Laughing My ass Off"
LMS can stand for "Let Me See" in slang term when used in texting or messaging to ask someone to show or send something.
It is Spanish slang for: Do you want penis? -- referring to having sex. It is rather crude texting.