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If you hover your mouse over the word "Community" in the leaderboard of the stats box on your profile, you will see that you get community contributions for the following:

  1. Messaging other users
  2. Posting in the Discussion area
  3. Making profile edits
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11y ago

"Community" means contributions that help the site less directly than through questions and answers. When you post on someone's message board, you help the site through welcoming people or building friendships in the community, so you get a contribution point for it... but it is for "community" as in community-building, rather than answering or editing.

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Editing a profile counts as a contribution to Community. You can check this out by looking at the Stats box on the right-hand side of your profile, and letting your mouse hover over "Community." (See Related question below)

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The profile is your gamer profile. If you are not using the gamer profile you had your halo stats on, there is no way to transfer them. If you are using the same profile, your data is lost.

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Most people answer questions in only one language, so the situation does not come up very often, and the system is not designed to apply trust points to more than one account. Honestly, we do not answer questions for the trust points, we answer questions because we like to help people (and to advertise our erudition). This does not really require trust points. Those are just an embellishment.

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The A in a units profile stands for attacks.

what are the points used for on your account on answerscom?

Points help build your reputation as a trusted resource and help you become an all around Answers community expert! As long as you follow our Community Guidelines, you'll earn points for your participation in the community. Right now the primary way to earn points is by answering questions. In the future you'll be able to earn points in other ways such as downloading the Answers App, Creating a registered user account, and many other things. Points also allow you to rank on the leaderboard.

How do you get to your stats on fanfiction?

I fyou are a user on then you have to log in first. After you do that you go to your traffic tab. Then go to story stat or user stats or story traffic or profile traffic, etc. (whichever one you want to see really). But to GET any stats people have to read your story or visit your profile.

If you die in Mafia Wars does it appear on your stats?

yes, you can see the count of death on your profile.

How do you copy a badge from your Stats box into your profile?

One way to do that is to simply drag the picture that you want directly onto your profile. Another way is to right-click the picture and click "copy" and then go to your profile where you want to set the picture and click "paste." This will transfer your picture from the pic's host site to your profile.

What happens on losing a war in Mafia Wars on Facebook?

It will increment your Wars Lost in your profile stats

How do you upgrade your stats on Mafia Wars?

You can upgrade your stats on Mafia Wars by leveling up and getting profile points or you can buy them from the godfather using reward points and then upgrade your stats.