You can write anything you want you can choose not to write a description.
click on the upload button in the right top corner and write in your tittle description and tags
The description box on YouTube is under the video. The description may contain lyrics or information about the video and artist.
just blurt the logo for first 1 min and write in description i dont own this
Below the description.
I dont think youtube has a description anymore if they do its prob in your channel settings but im not sure
No. If the person is dead how can he write on YouTube. I too was freaked out until I noticed there are no such things ghosts and how can they write letters on YouTube.
I would upload it to youtube, then use the embed code that youtube puts next to the video description.
You can't get a virus from youtube unless the uploader put a virus link on the description
you can not get in youtube but in google an for what i know you should search mechasonic.stk
long description, use youtube for a video tutorial
factual description on my school library