

Best Answer

it helps if you get a paper towel an ran cold water on it then Lay down and rest

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Q: What do you put on burns from strainers?
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Related questions

What are the dangers of strainers?

The dangers of most pool strainers is that small children can get legs and feet sucked into them and get stuck. The strainer manufacturers need to put smaller guards on the strainers so that little ones cannot get legs and hands stuck.

What are boat strainers?

Strainers block small craft in rivers.

When did Brain Strainers happen?

Brain Strainers happened in 1984.

When boating on a river you may encounter strainers what are the dangers of strainers?

Strainers are obstructions that allow water to flow, but block small craft.

What are strainers?

They are somthing you put a food you were boiling in it (like pasta) and it gets the water out but doesn't harm the food. :)

When was Brain Strainers created?

Brain Strainers was created on 1984-06-01.

Why are baskets or strainers put on top of downspouts?

To keep leaves and other debris from going down the downspout and possible plugging it.

What is the danger of a strainer in the water on a river?

Strainers can trap boats and knock boaters overboard.

Where could one buy tea strainers online?

Tea strainers can be bought from several online stores. These stores include Amazon, Stash Tea, and Teavana. Tea strainers are used to catch loose tea leaves and thus prevent them from getting into the tea.

Is there something else to put on a burn put not water?


What happens when you put an acorn on fire?

it burns

What are tea balls?

Tea balls ...they are probably referring to tea strainers. Containers that are sometimes in ball shape usually with a chain for lowering into your mug after you unscrew the ball and put in loose tea.