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delete soem stuff i guess XD

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Q: What do you need to make Habbo move faster?
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Related questions

How do you make a badge on Habbo?

To make a badge, First you need 10C :)

Is it need pay to make Habbo Private Server?

You can make a habbo retro completely free, although it is copyright infringement which makes it illegal.

How old do you need to be to get a Habbo?

It differs: For Habbo US you have to be atleast 13 years old, but for Habbo UK you only need to be 12 (I think). Same with Habbo AU - 13 years. I'm not sure about Habbo IT etc.

How do you host an event on new Habbo?

If you want to host an even on the new habbo, you need top go to your room settings. From there, there is a box that will le you choose to make an even.

Can you make trax on new Habbo?

No because CrestHawk has been too busy pissing around with the other crap Habbo doesn't need to have. He's blind to what we really want.

What things do you need to make an object move faster?

To make an object move faster, you can increase the force applied to it, reduce the opposing forces like friction, aerodynamic drag, or gravity acting against it, and decrease its mass to allow for quicker acceleration. Additionally, optimizing the object's design for minimal resistance and increasing the energy input can also help in making it move faster.

Can you move your coins from Open Hotel to Habbo Hotel?

Yes, you can move credits from Open Hotel to Habbo Hotel. What you need to have is a program that "Calls" both Habbo Hotel and Open Hotel. The "Call" must be connected to your purse from each of the hotels. The program must contain A text box to tell the program where to send the coins and a Command Button to complete the Processyou want done.:-)~

How do you get 100 bf's on Habbo?

Sadly, if your sad and need to have "bf"'s as you call them then you just need to make an ad and show the world...

Is there a type of Habbo that doesn't need shockwave?

No. If there have type of Habbo that doesn't need shockwave, maybe all of the people will use it.

How can you make your relation move faster?

First, ask yourself if you really want it to move faster. Considering I don't know if you're a male or female, you need to make sure you're ready for that. I wasn't but thought I was. Wait. That's all I have to say is, wait. Because the person you move 'faster' with is most likely not gonna be the one you're gonna be with forever. stay strong and I hope you figure everything out.

How do aircraft reduce air resistance?

You need to make it streamlined at the front so it cuts through the air therefore making it move faster.

Does Habbo US need adobe shockwave player to work?

Yes, all Habbo servers need shockwave to access the client.