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Shut the tank down, so that it does not fire up.

Was you water shut off,due to unpaid bill. Is there a break in the water line feed to the house. Did the check valve break, did someone shut off a valve to the heater.

For what ever reason, if there is no water flow to the heater, it must be turned off.

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12y ago

It means your water heater is not heating the water or or that the hot water is not being deliver to the location you are testing temperature.

Sorry, thats a bad answer because it was a bad question.

Give us more details. The most likely culprit is the pilot light not being lit. Follow the instructions on the side of the water heater to re-light it.

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Why is the Gas hot water tank not hot for long?

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Will hot water tank exhaust cause condensation?

If it's a gas tank then that is possible.

Does water flow from hot to cold?

No, cold water is piped into the hot water tank and is heated by electricity or gas, it then flows out to the hot water taps.

How does a hot water tank work?

A hot water tank works by storing and heating water inside an insulated tank using electricity or gas. When a hot water tap is turned on, the hot water is released from the tank and replaced by cold water that is then heated up for future use. This cycle continues to provide a steady supply of hot water for household needs.

What part would you need to buy if your water heater does not produce hot water?

The part that generates heat... depending if it is a gas / electric heater

How does a hot cold Water Dispenser work?

It has a compressor (like a refrig or air conditioner) which compresses a gas (freon) creating hot gas, This gas heats the hot water tank as it condenses to a liquid, The liquid then goes to the evaporator, where it boils back to a gas again, taking heat energy out of the cold water tank and cooling the water before returning to the compressor to start again. The hot water tank may have another heat source to boost the temperature higher.

How does a hot-cold Water Dispenser work?

A hot-cold water dispenser typically has two separate tanks - one for hot water and one for cold water. The hot water tank is heated using a heating element, while the cold water tank is cooled using a cooling system, such as a compressor. When you dispense water, the machine draws from the appropriate tank and delivers the desired temperature of water through separate spouts or taps.

Can you convert a natural gas hot water tank to a propane hot water tank?

Yes, it is possible to convert a natural gas hot water tank to a propane hot water tank. This typically involves replacing the gas valve and making adjustments to the burner. It is important to consult a professional plumber or HVAC technician to ensure the conversion is done safely and properly.

Can you shut off the inflow valve to hot water heater for a day without harming system if so should pressure valve be left open and limited usage of hot water?

If you have a leak on the hot water somewhere in the house and the water input into the tank is not running, the tank will lose it's water. And if it is an electric tank, the elements will burn out. Gas hot water tank should be no problem. Pressure valve does not have to be open.

What type of noise should you hear when hot water tank is making hot water?

It depends on if it's a gas water heater or electric. I don't think electric makes any noise, but a gas water heater, you'll the gas ignite, and hear the rushing gas from the burner.