friend request him! he is a very famous penguin you know! he is also very friendly and will accept your request.
Rockhopper's Migrator is at the Beach, though unless Rockhopper isn't visiting Club Penguin, you won't be able to see Rockhopper's Migrator.
Rockhopper's ship (the Migrator) arrives on club penguin when there is a party related to him going on. You see the Migrator docked on the shore of the beach if Rockhopper has arrived. Check the Newspaper to see when Rockhopper comes to club penguin to be updated about club penguin.
See the related links below for the Rockhopper tracker 2010.
See the related links below for the Rockhopper tracker 2010.
Rockhoper is only seen when his ship has come to Club Penguin at the beach. See the related links below for the Rockhopper Tracker 2010 and some tips on how to find Rockhopper.
Rockhopper was last on club penguin at the Holiday Party 2012.
No, Rockhopper in Club Penguin, and in the real world is a penguin.
You mean "What is captain Rockhopper's username on club penguin?". The username of Captain Rockhopper is Rockhopper.
For this you have to meet Rockhopper on club penguin. When you do so, click Rockhopper's player card and click the box. You will get his background.
Rockhopper is red
Rockhopper is one of club penguin's 'celebrities'. He was one of the first, along with Aunt Arctic and the Penguin Band.