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Q: What do you call the plastids in potato cells?
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Related questions

What plastids would be in a plant leaf?

plastids are in cells, so whatever plastids are in cells are in the plant leaf.

Are plastids found in animal cells?

Plastids are generally not found in animal cells. They are typically only present in plant cells and some protists. Animal cells do not have plastids as they do not perform photosynthesis, which is the primary function of plastids.

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these plastids contain chlorophyl.what kind of plastids are they?

Do animal cells have no chloroplasts for photosynthesis?

chloroplast is one of plastids found in plant cell ...plastids r lacking in animal cells

What is the main difference between plant and animal cells pertaining the presence of plastids?

On the basis of plastids a plant cell can be recognized from animal cell. The plant cells have several plastids including chloroplasts. Animal cells are characterized by their abscence.

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Is plastids found in animal cells?


Do all plant cells contain Plastids?


What are the type of plastids found in plant cells?


Are the plastids of onion cellcolored?

In plants and algeas, there are organelles located in the cells called Pastids. Due to photosynthesis that gathers food for the cells, plastids cans change colors.

What are plastids used for?

Plastids refers to the major organelle that is found in the cells of the algae and plants. Plastids are used for the site manufacture and storage of the important chemical compounds that is used by the cell.

What cell parts are found in plant cells and not animals cells?

Plastids and the cell wall.