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SMS Shorthand

BRB -- be right back

TTFN -- ta ta for now

LOL -- laughing out loud/ lots of love

Ttyl -- talk to u later

OMG -- o my god/ gosh/ goodness

Asap -- as soon as possible

Rofl -- roling on the floor laughing

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Q: What do the following abbreviations mean - BRB and TTFN and LOL?
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When someones tells you lol or brb?

These are abbreviations that mean: lol - laugh out loud brb - be right back

What does and mean at the end of a text message?

I cant help u if you don't tell me what abbreviations you're curious to know about

What texts on cell phones are there?

=omg, lol, ttyl, ttfn, jk, idc, idk, rofl, brb, kk, and that's all i remember from the top of my head lol

What do abbreviations mean when you are chatting?

LOL= laugh our loud BRB = be right back AFK= Away from computer FOFLMAO= fall on floor laughing my a** off BBL=Be back later

When chatting on the internet what does BRB mean?

BRB means "be right back."

What in the world does brb mean?

brb is a short version of be right back

What does brb mean in text messaging?

brb in text means be right back

What are some of the abbreviations you have in computer?

lol- laugh out loud / lots of laughs / lots of love brb- be right back ttfn- ta ta for now wruu2- what are you up to wubu2- what have you been up to omg- oh my god / gosh kl- cool peeps- people gifkotsitimgtlagtbnttyt - Guys, I'm feeling kind of tired so I think I am going to leave and go to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow.

What does brb mean in a bad word on clubpenguin?

well, brb means be right back but I'm not sure what you mean by your question to do with club penguin

What does license plate BRBDL mean?


What are some text abbreviations?

BRB: be right back TTYL: talk to you later TTFN: ta ta for now OMG: oh my gosh LOL: laughing out loud 2: to or too C: see U: you B: be R: are 4: for ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing GTG: got to go 2MORROW: tomorrow 2DAY: today XOXO: hugs and kisses WAT: what UR: you're, your WE: whatever L8R: later B4: before 2NIGHT: tonight MYOB: mind your own buisness NOYB: none of your buisness KEWL: cool NM, NVM NVMD: nevermind C U L8R: see you later SK8: skate SK8TER, SK8ER: skater PBHS: parent behind shoulder PBHB: parent behind back bak: back ware: where,wear luv: love u: you

What does brb aka and lol mean?

Brb means be right back, Aka means also known as, and lol means laugh out loud.