Electronic highway message boards communicate road conditions, traffic conditions, and public service messages. Wait times in back-up traffic, alternate routes, and construction zones are some of the messages communicated on highway message boards.
When neurotransmitters communicate an inhibitory message to the postsynaptic neuron:
Sending an emotionally charged electronic message is flaming
Oh, isn't that a lovely question! Messages serve many purposes, my friend. They can convey information, share feelings, connect people, and spread joy. Just like a brushstroke on a canvas, a message can brighten someone's day and create a beautiful connection between hearts.
Y u no answer
The electronic message board is one where lots and more stuff can be posted. Also, its more up-to-date. A standard message board one where no lots of people use. Also, it is less up-to-date than most electronic ones.
christian pogi , he is the the first person who send an electronic message christian pogi , he is the the first person who send an electronic message
What / Why: What are you communicating and why are you communicating? This will be the content of your communication.Whom: Whom should your address the communication to? Should you communicate to specific individuals or groups or the whole company?Who: Who should communicate the message? Am I the right person to communicate the message?When: When is the right time to communicate? When also refers to the frequency of communication. Some messages may need multiple reminders.Where: Where do you communicate the message? Do you do it in a town-hall meetings or in person meeting or via email?
Wikianswers uses public message boards on each user's profile to communicate.
The person trying to communicate a message is the one responsible for ensuring that it is understood.