Knights Who Formerly Said Ni now say:
"Ecky ecky ecky ecky pakang zoom boing."
the knights who say nee damand a sacrifice!! you must cut down the mightest tree in the forest with a herring!!!!
The knights who say ecky ecky ecky ftang rooboing rousa
Nike is the name of a company, and it would not change in Spanish. For pronunciation, it would be NEE-keh
The name Sydney is typically spelled and pronounced the same in French. It is a unisex name and does not change when used in a French-speaking context.
There is no password. There is a word that the Knights who say Nee could not say, which was "it". Not only would they not say the word, to hear the word would caused them pain.
The full name for the Knights of Labor is the "Noble and Holy Order of the Knights of Labor". It was shortened to make it easier to say and to remember.
"Ni!" (practically "nee", but with a shorter "ih" sound)Their use of the word is evidently a fearsome weapon.
Well how you say the name Shawnee Well you say it like this shaw-nee
Fo-Nee-Shun, with an accent on the Nee.
Nee para = you say. (asking someone to say something)